Home School Community Liaison
Cathal Twaddle
An Post 'Time to Read'
Community Partnership with Siemens Healthineers
We were delighted to launch our new Literacy project in the school called 'Time to Read' with some students from 2nd Class. Volunteers from Siemens Healthineers in Swords will be supporting some children with buddy reading sessions over the coming months. Thank you to Melanie from Business in the Community Ireland, Sally Anne from Siemens and all of the Volunteers and Parents who came in on the day.
Soup Day 2024
We had an incredibly successful Soup Day on Thursday October 3rd. It was heartwarming to see so many new and old friends from the Thornleigh Community come together and cook up nutritious warming soup for all the children. We are already looking forward to next year and have exciting plans in place for the school garden!
Assembly dates 2024/2025
13/09/24 6th – 3 6th classes together History
20/09/24 Junior Infants – 2 classes together Geography
27/09/24 5th – Matt Showing Kindness
04/10/24 Senior Infants – 2 classes together Art
11/10/24 5th - Kevin Maths
18/10/24 1st class - Maggie Science
25/10/24 4th class - Karen Technology
08/11/24 1st class - Kate Winter facts
15/11/24 4th class – Seán Ethos
22/11/24 2nd class – Áine Being helpful
29/11/24 3rd class – Peter Music
06/12/24 2nd class - Sharon Showing Empathy
13/12/24 3rd class - Paddy Looking after the school community
16/12/24 C H O I R P R E F O R M A N C E
10/01/25 6th Classes together Caring for the Environment
17/01/25 Junior Infants Together Naturalistic Intelligence
24/01/25 5th class – Matt Kinaesthetic Intelligence
31/01/25 Senior Infants Together Science
07/02/25 5th class – Kevin Signs of Spring
14/02/25 1st class - Maggie Kindness
28/02/25 4th class – Karen Handwriting
07/03/25 1st class - Kate Number
14/03/25 4th class - Seán Gaeilge
21/03/25 2nd class – Áine Numeracy
28/03/25 3rd class – Peter Sport/PE
04/04/25 2nd class - Sharon Literacy
11th April 2024 C H O I R
09/05/25 3rd class - Seán Reading
16/05/25 Junior Infants together Listening
23/05/25 6th classes together Drama
30/05/25 Senior Infants together Maths
06th June 2025 5th class - Matt Numeracy
13th June 2025 1st class - Maggie Literacy
16th June 2025- Choir
Friday 20th June 2025 - Graduation
Parents vs Teachers Basketball Game 2024
We held our annual Parents vs Teachers Basketball game on Friday May 31st in the school. After getting into an early lead, the teachers were no match for the parents who taught the teachers a thing or two about where the hoops wee. Well done to all involved from the parents who came to support, to coach and play.
Our Integrated Community!
We have made great memories over the past few months with regular parent visits for assembly, parents classes, festivals and shared reading. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to making our school such a happy place!
Grandparents Day 2024
We had our second annual Grandparents' Day on Wednesday March 20th. There was a great turnout with Grandparents travelling from near and far. The Grandparents got a tour of the school, visited their grandchildrens' classrooms, drank tea and coffee and were treated to a moving performance by the school choir. Thank you to all who helped out in any way on the day.
Some useful Irish phrases to help you through Seachtain na Gaeilge!
Biodh lá deas agaibh! Bee-ugh law de-ass a-guv! Have a great day! |
La breithe shona duit! Law breh-ha sun-a ditch! Happy Birthday! Lá fhéile pádraig faoi mhaise duit! Law Fayla Pawdrig fwee weesha ditch! Happy St. Patrick's Day! An bhfuil aon plean agat don deireadh seachtaine? On will ayn plan agat don ger-a shock tina? Do you have any lans for the weekend? Bíodh deireadh seachtaine deas agaibh! Bee-o ger-ah shock-tina de-ass agiv! Have a great weekend! |
Opening of Autism Class
There was great excitement this morning (March 4th) as we opened the doors to our new Autism Class. All of the Parents were in for the morning to help the children settle in and everyone came back to the Parents room for tea/coffee before leaving. Looking forward to working and continuing to develop relationships with the parents over the coming months.
Science4Fun Second Class
On Thursday morning, November 16th, we has some more parents in helping out with our STEAM week. A great morning was had by all. Thank you to the parents for giving up their time and to the teachers for helping to make it happen.
Science4Fun First Class
On Wednesday November 15th, we had some first class parents in helping out with our STEAM week. All the students were very impressed with their new teachers. Thanks again to Ms. Aoife for all her hard work in organising and thank you to the parents for making it such an enjoyable morning.
Science4Fun Senior Infants
We had a great morning in Ms. Avril and Ms. Siobhan's Senior Infants rooms doing Science4Fun with the parents. Thank you to Ms. Aoife for organising all the resources and training in our new teachers for the day. Sincere thanks to all the parents who made the morning so special.
Parents Art Classes
Parents Arts and Craft Classes have been taking place in the School Library every Wednesday Morning between 10am and 12pm. Well done to everyone taking part. They will be hosting an exhibition of their work in the school on Wednesday December 6th. More details to follow via email.
Soup Day 2023
We held our annual Soup Day on Thursday October 5th. There was a great buzz around the school all week leading up to it and a very special atmosphere on the day. Sincerest thanks to each and every parent/guardian who offered their help in the run up to the event and on the day itself.
Assembly Schedule for the year 2023-2024
Every Friday morning a different class will be performing at assembly. All parents are invited into the Parents room from 8.20 until assembly starts for a cup or tea/coffee and a chat. Looking forward to seeing you all.
Date Classes Theme
08/09/23 6th Oral Language - describing
15/09/23 2nd Oral Language - Predicting
22/09/23 5th Oral Language –Story telling
29/09/23 1st Oral Language - Vocabulary
06/10/23 4th Numeracy - confidence
13/10/23 Senior Infants Numeracy – Number Facts
20/10/23 3rd Numeracy – Maths Language
27/10/23 Junior Infants Winter signs in nature
17/11/23 2nd SESE - History
24/11/23 5th SESE - Geography
01/12/23 1st SESE – Local History
08/12/23 6th STEM
15/12/23 No Assembly
18/12/23 CHOIR
12/01/24 4th Music – Song singing
19/01/24 Senior Infants Kindness
26/01/24 3RD Art
02/02/24 Junior Infants SPHE
09/02/24 6th Naturalistic Intelligence
23/02/24 2nd Showing Respect
01/03/24 5th Hand writing
08/03/24 1st Gaeilge
15/03/24 4th Learn Together
21/03/24 – CHOIR
12/04/24 Senior Infants Caring for the Environment
19/04/24 3rd Ethics
26/04/24 Junior Infants Signs of Summer
03/05/24 6th Friendship
17/05/24 2nd Creative Writing
24/05/24 5th STEAM
31/05/24 1st Literacy
07/06/24 4th Numeracy
21/06/24 Senior Infants Being Helpful
No Assembly on the 14th of June 2024
24th June 2024 – CHOIR
27th June 2024 6th CLASS GRADUATION.
08/09/23 6th Oral Language - describing
15/09/23 2nd Oral Language - Predicting
22/09/23 5th Oral Language –Story telling
29/09/23 1st Oral Language - Vocabulary
06/10/23 4th Numeracy - confidence
13/10/23 Senior Infants Numeracy – Number Facts
20/10/23 3rd Numeracy – Maths Language
27/10/23 Junior Infants Winter signs in nature
17/11/23 2nd SESE - History
24/11/23 5th SESE - Geography
01/12/23 1st SESE – Local History
08/12/23 6th STEM
15/12/23 No Assembly
18/12/23 CHOIR
12/01/24 4th Music – Song singing
19/01/24 Senior Infants Kindness
26/01/24 3RD Art
02/02/24 Junior Infants SPHE
09/02/24 6th Naturalistic Intelligence
23/02/24 2nd Showing Respect
01/03/24 5th Hand writing
08/03/24 1st Gaeilge
15/03/24 4th Learn Together
21/03/24 – CHOIR
12/04/24 Senior Infants Caring for the Environment
19/04/24 3rd Ethics
26/04/24 Junior Infants Signs of Summer
03/05/24 6th Friendship
17/05/24 2nd Creative Writing
24/05/24 5th STEAM
31/05/24 1st Literacy
07/06/24 4th Numeracy
21/06/24 Senior Infants Being Helpful
No Assembly on the 14th of June 2024
24th June 2024 – CHOIR
27th June 2024 6th CLASS GRADUATION.
Welcome Back!
Welcome back to all Parents and students after the Summer holidays. I am looking forward to meeting all the familiar faces and getting to know all of the new ones who have joined the Thornleigh Community this year.
Parents vs Teachers Basketball game
The school held its WellFest from May 22nd to Friday June 2nd. For week 2, the focus was on being active. The children took part in many different activities such as walking a 'K a day', daily movement challenges and held our annual Sports Days. Active week wasn't only for the kids though. The week was rounded off with a Parents vs Teachers Basketball game in the school yard. After a very sporting and fun game, the parents won out and lifted the Parents vs Teachers trophy!
BUMBLEance Bake sale and raffle
There was great excitement in the School on Thursday May 25th as Joe and Jimmy from the BUMBLEance- children's ambulance service brought the Bumbleance to school for the children to view. The student's council ran a bake sale and raffle to raise funds for this valuable service and ended up raising an astonishing €1,356 for the service. Sincerest thank you to all the parents who contributed in any way through donations, baking and volunteering on the day.
Infants Attendance Awareness Campaign
During the month of March we ran a very special attendance awareness campaign in Junior and Senior Infants. During the month every child got a sticker every day that they came into school, some children got special prizes for making a great effort to improve attendance and every week the class with the best attendance got a popcorn party! At the end of the month all the children were entered in a raffle for an extra special prize of an Easter egg hamper.
Grandparents' Day
On Tuesday March 28th, the school held its first annual Grandparents' day. We had visitors from near and far. The Grandparents were entertained in the parents room, visited their grandchildren in their classrooms and attended an extra special performance from the school choir. We are already looking forward to next year. Special word of thanks to the students council for their brilliant help on the day.
Irish Cultural Mornings
Throughout Seachtain na Gaeilge we ran Irish Cultural mornings for Parents over 3 consecutive Wednesdays starting on Wednesday March 1st. Each Wednesday we covered different topics, including the history of Celtic languages, a walking tour of the area to gain an understanding of place names and we also looked at Irish phrases to use with the children. Pictured below are some of the attendees from week 3.
Assembly Schedule 2023
Dates Classes Theme
13/01/23 5th Music – Song singing
20/01/23 Senior Infants Kindness
27/01/23 3rd Art
10/02/23 Junior Infants Naturalistic Intelligence
24/02/23 6th Showing Respect
03/02/23 2nd Handwriting
10/03/23 4th Gaeilge
24/03/23 1st Learn Together
31/03/23 CHOIR
21/04/23 Senior Infants Caring for the Env
28/04/23 3rd Ethics
05/05/23 Junior Infants Signs of Summer
12/05/23 6th Friendship
19/05/23 2nd Creative Writing
26/05/23 5th STEAM
02/06/23 1st Literacy
16/06/23 4th Being Helpful
23rd June 2023 CHOIR
29th June 2023 GRADUATION – 3pm – 5pm
Assembly will take place at 9.15 outside weather permitting and parents of children who receive award and classes preforming will be invited. Tea and coffee will be provided for parents beforehand in the Parents’ room.
13/01/23 5th Music – Song singing
20/01/23 Senior Infants Kindness
27/01/23 3rd Art
10/02/23 Junior Infants Naturalistic Intelligence
24/02/23 6th Showing Respect
03/02/23 2nd Handwriting
10/03/23 4th Gaeilge
24/03/23 1st Learn Together
31/03/23 CHOIR
21/04/23 Senior Infants Caring for the Env
28/04/23 3rd Ethics
05/05/23 Junior Infants Signs of Summer
12/05/23 6th Friendship
19/05/23 2nd Creative Writing
26/05/23 5th STEAM
02/06/23 1st Literacy
16/06/23 4th Being Helpful
23rd June 2023 CHOIR
29th June 2023 GRADUATION – 3pm – 5pm
Assembly will take place at 9.15 outside weather permitting and parents of children who receive award and classes preforming will be invited. Tea and coffee will be provided for parents beforehand in the Parents’ room.
Winter Performance and open classroom morning with infants
Winter Fair 2022
There was a great buzz around the school this past few weeks as the Parents' Council organised the return of our annual Winter Fare. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way and also thank you to all of the Parents who came out to support the day. A great day was had by all.
Soup Day 2022
There was great excitement in the school with the return of our annual soup day this year. Thank you to all of the parents who volunteered to help make the day a day to remember with special mention to our chief chef Michael Bartley!
Assembly Dates
Hello everyone, here are the Assembly dates for the Christmas Term. You are all welcome to join me for a tea/coffee beforehand in the Parents room. Looking forward to seeing you!
Class Date Time
Junior Infants 28 October 9.15am
6th Class 11 November 9.15am
2nd Class 18 November 9.15am
5th Class 25 November 9.15am
1st Class 9 December 9.15am
Choir 16 December 9.15am
Hello Everyone,
My name is Cathal Twaddle and I am the new HSCL in Thornleigh E.T.N.S. It gives me great pleasure to take on this exciting role which allows me the privilege to work with every family in our school. Should you have any queries about supporting your child's education, accessing adult courses or general school life please get in touch. I would love to hear from you.
Email: [email protected]
Mob: 0862282914
My name is Cathal Twaddle and I am the new HSCL in Thornleigh E.T.N.S. It gives me great pleasure to take on this exciting role which allows me the privilege to work with every family in our school. Should you have any queries about supporting your child's education, accessing adult courses or general school life please get in touch. I would love to hear from you.
Email: [email protected]
Mob: 0862282914
Attendance Award - Star Prize - A NEW BIKE!

Congratulations to Marko in 1st class who won a brand new bicycle for perfect attendance and punctuality. He was one of the many students who was entered into the attendance raffle each month.
Would you like a chance to win a brand new bike next year? If so, arrive at school on time and attend every day in the month and you will be entered into the raffle which takes place at the end of the school year.
Would you like a chance to win a brand new bike next year? If so, arrive at school on time and attend every day in the month and you will be entered into the raffle which takes place at the end of the school year.
Multicultural Day &
Thornleigh's 10 Year Anniversary
A massive THANK YOU to all the parents, grandparents, guardians and teachers who prepared food for our annual Multicultural Day & 10 Year Anniversary. It was fantastic to see so many varieties of different food from every corner of the world! Also, a special thanks to the members of the Parents Association and the chef, Michael, for their their hard work and professionalism on the day. Without them, the day would not have been the great success it turned out to be.
Christmas Fair 2017
HaLLOWEEN Fair 2017
ANNUAL SOUP DAY - Sep 29th 2017
Soup Day took place on Friday 29th September in the Parent's Room. A huge number of parents and grandparents turned out to ensure all the children were fed delicious healthy soup in record time! I would like to thank all the parents who helped with the preparation of the soup we couldn't possibly have run this event without you and a special mention to Das and Samuel our chefs for making the soup extra tasty!
adult classes in thornleigh - aUTUMN 2017
Child Development Classes for Parents
Child Development Classes for parents will start on Friday 10th November from 9am to 12am.
Drama Classes for parents will start on Tuesday 3rd October from 9am-11am.
Spanish Classes for parents
Spanish Classes for parents will start again on Wednesday the 27th of September from 8:45am-9:45am. Cost per class €2.
english classes for parents
English Classes for parents will start on the 4th of October from 9am-10am. The cost per class is €2 and classes will run for 6 weeks.
HSCL (2016 - 2017)
parents vs teachers soccer match
Our annual Parents vs Teachers Soccer Match took place last Friday the 7th of October. In what can only be described as a game of two halves the teachers stormed into a 5-0 half time lead inspired by the attacking play of Kameel, Maurette and Caitríona. The parents must have had some harsh words for each other at half time as they fought back superbly inspired by Goodluck, Ayo and Georgina to level the match at 6-6 forcing penalties. In what was a tense shoot out it fell to Gráinne to score the winning penalty and return the Thornleigh Cup to the teachers after a 3 year absence. Well done to all the players on a very entertaining and sporting match. Also a big Thank You to Kevin who organised the barbeque and Paul who organised the medals, pitch and referee.
See you all in October 2017 when the Parents will be out for revenge I'm sure.
See you all in October 2017 when the Parents will be out for revenge I'm sure.
halloween fair
This year's Halloween Fair will be held on Sunday the 23rd of October. The Halloween Fair will be on from 3-5pm.
Free activities on the day will include – Spider Blow; Ring Toss; Gooey Surprise; and other Halloween Games.
Face Painting; Nail Art, Haunted House and Henna Art will be available at a cost of 1-3 tokens.
Tokens cost 1 for €1 or 8 for €5 and can be purchased on the day.
The Pumpkin Carving, Fancy Dress and Crazy Hair competitions are all free to enter.
Coffee, Tea and Cakes will also be available free of charge. If you would like to bake some cakes for this event for the cake stall all donations will be greatly appreciated and can be brought along on the day.
Cost of a ticket per family is €5 and tickets are available to be bought from the Parent’s Room every morning this week. Family Ticket includes one free entry for each child into the Haunted House.
Hope to see you all there,
Free activities on the day will include – Spider Blow; Ring Toss; Gooey Surprise; and other Halloween Games.
Face Painting; Nail Art, Haunted House and Henna Art will be available at a cost of 1-3 tokens.
Tokens cost 1 for €1 or 8 for €5 and can be purchased on the day.
The Pumpkin Carving, Fancy Dress and Crazy Hair competitions are all free to enter.
Coffee, Tea and Cakes will also be available free of charge. If you would like to bake some cakes for this event for the cake stall all donations will be greatly appreciated and can be brought along on the day.
Cost of a ticket per family is €5 and tickets are available to be bought from the Parent’s Room every morning this week. Family Ticket includes one free entry for each child into the Haunted House.
Hope to see you all there,
active Fortnight
Active Fortnight will start on Monday the 23rd of May. During these 2 weeks the children will be involved in a number of extra physical Activities.
Junior Sports Day will take place on Wednesday the 25th of May.
Senior Sports Day will take place on Thursday the 26th of May.
Junior Sponsored Cycle takes place on Wednesday the 1st of June.
Senior Sponsored Cycle takes place on Thursday the 2nd June.
All parents are welcome to come along and help out or take part in these events. If you would like to get involved please talk to David.
The children will also have extra PE lessons for these 2 weeks coached by parents with qualifications in different sports.
We would also encourage families to walk or cycle to school for these 2 weeks.
Junior Sports Day will take place on Wednesday the 25th of May.
Senior Sports Day will take place on Thursday the 26th of May.
Junior Sponsored Cycle takes place on Wednesday the 1st of June.
Senior Sponsored Cycle takes place on Thursday the 2nd June.
All parents are welcome to come along and help out or take part in these events. If you would like to get involved please talk to David.
The children will also have extra PE lessons for these 2 weeks coached by parents with qualifications in different sports.
We would also encourage families to walk or cycle to school for these 2 weeks.
Flag Raising ceremony and Traditional Irish Breakfast Day
A Big Thank You to all the parents who made the 'Traditional Irish Breakfast Day such a huge success. A special mention goes to Michael our head chef for the day and Kevin for his kind donations.
Halloween Fun Fair
Halloween fun day took place on Saturday 24th of November in the school hall with fun for all the family. The kids enjoyed the day with Halloween games, Cupcake Decoration, Colouring table, Face Painting and A Haunted House which proved to be the biggest success of the day. While the children were off enjoying themselves the parents could relax, have a cup of tea or coffee and a chat with other parents and socialize inside the school community.
Home School Community Liaison Co-ordinator
Hello! I’m Dave Donegan and I am the Home School Community Liaison Co-Ordinator for Thornleigh Educate Together National School.
This is my second year working in this role and I am delighted to be working with such a fantastic group of parents and staff who are all hugely committed to the children’s education. If you have any questions or queries involving your child's education, Parent's Classes or events we are running in the school please feel free to contact me by e-mail: [email protected] or by phone: 086 – 2282914.
My role as H.S.C.L.C. involves:
• Visiting parents/guardians in their homes;
• Organising courses, talks or meetings for parents/guardians in the school;
• Involving parents/guardians in their children’s education;
• Encouraging closer ties between teachers, schools and the parents/guardians;
• Encouraging parents/guardians to participate in classroom projects with teachers, such as Gardening Club, Shared Reading/Literacy Programmes, Maths for Fun and Science for Fun.
H.S.C.L. announcements or information can also be found on the whiteboard in the yard.
This is my second year working in this role and I am delighted to be working with such a fantastic group of parents and staff who are all hugely committed to the children’s education. If you have any questions or queries involving your child's education, Parent's Classes or events we are running in the school please feel free to contact me by e-mail: [email protected] or by phone: 086 – 2282914.
My role as H.S.C.L.C. involves:
• Visiting parents/guardians in their homes;
• Organising courses, talks or meetings for parents/guardians in the school;
• Involving parents/guardians in their children’s education;
• Encouraging closer ties between teachers, schools and the parents/guardians;
• Encouraging parents/guardians to participate in classroom projects with teachers, such as Gardening Club, Shared Reading/Literacy Programmes, Maths for Fun and Science for Fun.
H.S.C.L. announcements or information can also be found on the whiteboard in the yard.
Parent's Vs Teachers soccer Match
Congratulations to the Parent's Soccer team who were victorious over the Teachers. The match was played in splendid conditions in Swords Celtic and was a closely fought contest throughout. Múinteoir Paddy gave the teacher's a half time lead of 1-0. However the parents laid siege to the Teacher's goal in the second half and thanks to strikes from Emil (2) and Jay the parents emerged victorious on a scoreline of 3-1. The winning team was - Harold; Damian; Kamile; Shiv; Jay; Paul; Mick; Zoltan; Ionut; Krzysztof and Paul.
All the players and supporters enjoyed the refreshments afterwards that were sponsored by - Roganstown hotel and Country Club; Hannigans Butchers and Glanmore. Thank you also to Boglarka; Emily and Jane for preparing the refreshments and Brian for transporting the BBQ to the pitch from the school.
And last but not least a BIG THANK YOU to Paul for organising the venue, medals, jerseys and trophy.
All the players and supporters enjoyed the refreshments afterwards that were sponsored by - Roganstown hotel and Country Club; Hannigans Butchers and Glanmore. Thank you also to Boglarka; Emily and Jane for preparing the refreshments and Brian for transporting the BBQ to the pitch from the school.
And last but not least a BIG THANK YOU to Paul for organising the venue, medals, jerseys and trophy.
Soup Day
This years annual Soup Day such a great success. We kicked off peeling and chopping the vegetables at 8:30am and were feeding the last of the 300 plus children by 1:30pm. It was a long but extremely enjoyable day, with everybody agreeing that the soup was delicious.
A BIG THANK YOU to the Parents and Grandparent who helped out on the day - Mihaiela; Caroline; Agnieszka; Kasia; Adriana; Marjeta; Lisa; Mihaly; Beata; Shaojun; Pam; Marzena; Inese; Dorota; Justyna; Sabequn-nahar; Airisa; Kevin and our chef Ramus.
Photos of the day can be seen on class pages and in the Gallery.
A BIG THANK YOU to the Parents and Grandparent who helped out on the day - Mihaiela; Caroline; Agnieszka; Kasia; Adriana; Marjeta; Lisa; Mihaly; Beata; Shaojun; Pam; Marzena; Inese; Dorota; Justyna; Sabequn-nahar; Airisa; Kevin and our chef Ramus.
Photos of the day can be seen on class pages and in the Gallery.
Classes for Parents
Arts and Crafts
An Arts and Crafts course for parents started on the 17th September from 8:45am-10:45am in the Parent's Room. This is a FREE course which will run for 8 weeks. If you are interested com along and join in the fun.
An Arts and Crafts course for parents started on the 17th September from 8:45am-10:45am in the Parent's Room. This is a FREE course which will run for 8 weeks. If you are interested com along and join in the fun.
English Classes
There are English Classes for Beginners and Improvers every Thursday from 2;15pm-3:15pm. For more information please talk to David (HSCL)
Career Planning Course
Started on Monday 5th of October in St. Finnians from 9:30am-11:30am. This course is free and runs for 6 weeks.
Community Development Course
Started on Wednesday 7th of October in the Parent's Room from 10:00am-12;30am. This course is free and runs for 6 weeks.
Mindfulness and Wellbeing Course
Every Tuesday from 8:45am-10:00am in the Parent's Room.
There are English Classes for Beginners and Improvers every Thursday from 2;15pm-3:15pm. For more information please talk to David (HSCL)
Career Planning Course
Started on Monday 5th of October in St. Finnians from 9:30am-11:30am. This course is free and runs for 6 weeks.
Community Development Course
Started on Wednesday 7th of October in the Parent's Room from 10:00am-12;30am. This course is free and runs for 6 weeks.
Mindfulness and Wellbeing Course
Every Tuesday from 8:45am-10:00am in the Parent's Room.